
Attributes of an ASIS Teacher
April 9, 2021Written by Lenard Murray ASIS - Chennai

What teachers are,  is more important than what they teach. - Karl Menninger 

Jaspal Sidhu, Founder, and Chairman of SIS Group of Schools created this acronym EFFECTOR because he believes teachers must do more than deliver the curriculum. They must be people who inspire and have a positive effect on a student’s educational journey and life. Thus the word EFFECTOR. 

E- Earnest:                 Down to earth personality that has an honest connection with students.

F- Funny:                   Sense of humor enabling learning to be interesting and enjoyable. 

F- Firm:                      Maintain control with a friendly, safe, open, and respectful environment.

E- Enthusiastic:        Encourages curiosity and motivation in students by leading by example.

C- Consistent:           Fair and just actions creating stability, calmness, and security. 

T- Timeliness:           Demonstrates excellent time management skills and protocols.  

O-Opendminded:      Willingness to consider new ideas; unprejudiced by age or culture.

R- Researchers:        Continued development of oneself as a lifetime learner.

Through the interview process, SIS uses these criteria to search out the best fit for an SIS teacher. This helps to ensure that we hire the right kinds of people. Ones who best match with us and can deliver on our Vision and Mission on education.


Inspiring Learners Toward Greater Heights


To spark curiosity and inquiry while developing values and 21st-century skills.

We prioritize learners and personalise learning to make the world a better place. 

To follow our Vision and continue to successfully carry out our Mission, our philosophy must be maintained throughout the entire school. Our Mission is the catalyst of all that we do. Every staff member and teacher is obligated to focus on accomplishing each component for the betterment of all students and our school. 

ASIS and SIS groups of schools are committed to safeguarding the EFFECTOR characteristics of our teachers and staff, maintaining consistency, and quick adaptation to changing times. We do this in many different ways, using collaborative communication and monitoring processes.  Principals, Deputy Principals, and Heads of Departments collaborate group-wide, cascading information into each school for discussion, as well, face to face sharing and learning sessions are carried out in each school through weekly meetings /workshops.

To further our ability to learn and grow, we offer a variety of in-house and external professional development opportunities for teachers and staff throughout the year. Principals, Coordinators, and Heads of department observe our teachers during classroom lessons to support and promote great teaching strategies and to intervene if there is a need. Added to this, we encourage our teachers to learn from each other, conducting peer teaching sessions and peer observations. With communication and collaboration, teachers can share and improve upon pedagogy.

To really understand if teachers are exemplifying these 8 characteristics, we directly involve students. After all, our students are the ones who have the most interaction with teachers. By providing students with a private teacher survey twice a year, it gives all Secondary and Junior College students a safe platform to openly voice their opinions. 

Data is then retrieved and analyzed and privately shared with individual teachers for feedback and growth. The Principal, Deputy Principals, or Coordinators meet with each individual teacher to discuss the results and advise them on how to make improvements in any areas needed. We also search for effective methodologies used by teachers who scored very high, this way great practices are shared with other teachers, along with advice and support. It is a great way for teachers to improve through constructive criticism. We feel that it is best to see how students feel themselves by going straight to the source.

Here are examples of survey statements and students’ choices to respond.

Disagree Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

  • My teacher in this class makes me feel she/he really cares about me.
  • My teacher really tries to understand how students feel about things.
  • Students in this class treat the teacher with respect and vice-versa.
  • If I don't understand something, my teacher explains it another way.
  • My teacher knows when the class understands, and when they do not.
  • My teacher explains difficult things clearly.
  • My teacher makes the lessons interesting.
  • My teacher asks questions to be sure we are following along when she/he is teaching.
  • In this class, my teacher accepts nothing less than our full effort.
  • In this class, we learn a lot almost every day.
  • In this class, we learn to correct our mistakes.
  • I like the way we learn in this class.
  • My teacher respects my ideas and suggestions.
  • My teacher takes the time to summarize what we learn each day.
  • The comments that I get on my work in this class help me understand how to improve.
  • I would consider myself lucky to have this teacher teaching my class again in the future.
  • My teacher inspires me to learn.
  • In this class, the learning is interesting and fun.
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